Become a Member

We always welcome new members to our choir. There's no need to audition. The emphasis is on enjoyment and friendship as well as attaining the best possible standard of singing.
The annual membership fee is currently £160 per year, and payable at the beginning of the autumn term.
"After each rehearsal at Blackheath & Bramley Choral Society, I feel energised on dark damp winter nights and joyful on warm summer evenings"
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate
As a charity we are able to claim Gift Aid on much of our income from members. Provided you are at least a basic rate tax payer we would be most grateful if you could indicate on the membership form your agreement to us reclaiming the Gift Aid tax.
To become a member of Blackheath and Bramley Choral Society please print and complete the membership application form below, bring it with you to a rehearsal and give to the Chairman or Treasurer.
If you have any enquiries or questions before signing up please contact the chairman on 01483 898245